
【fxtm富拓】十年筑基 盈车嘉穗│合肥高新中嘉学校十周年校庆:时光不语自清浅,破茧而出羽化蝶

2024-07-02 20:06:03来源:休闲分类:休闲






SCCSH was planted as a seed of education innovation

In Hefei High-Tech District, this fertile land of technology innovation

It broke out the chrysalis and symbolized the first founding of international school in Hefei






SCCSH has committed to international education for 10 years

And was elected to Forbes China International School Annual Selection Top 100 in 2023

SCCSH is successfully accredited by Cognia, the world's largest international school accreditation authority.





Looking back on a decade with SCCSH

Time never speaks,基盈茧 yet it silently chronicles our strive; yet we shall break free, metamorphosing into butterflies.

April 26th, 2024

SCCSH celebrates its grand tenth-anniversary ceremony.


Leaders from Foreign Affairs Office of Hefei Municipal People’s Government,基盈茧 Hefei Science and Technology Bureau, Hefei International Construction Department, Hefei High-Tech District Administrative Committee, Hefei High-Tech District Community Development Bureau, Bank of China,
China Railway Airport Construction Group Co., Ltd, Anhui Youth Federation, Hefei Forum and leaders from AKD group, principles of some Schools in High-Tech District are invited to the celebration.


A Novel and Dynamic Carnival: Immersive Experience of Internationalized Educational Features


The campus is filled with over a dozen student showcase projects, including band performances, basketball clubs, golf games, drone technology communities, robotics clubs, TED talks, project-based learning in STEM, art exhibitions, project-based teaching achievements, Chinese language reading projects, English language themed projects, sports-themed projects, and cultural and creative charity sales. Through a fun-filled theme park style, it vividly presents the unique educational features of SCCSH, allowing an immersive experience of internationalized education.

隆重阔达的校庆大会:十年筑基  盈车嘉穗

The Grand and Magnificent School Anniversary Celebration: A decade of striving yields remarkable accomplishments


Dr. Pang, Chairman of the AKD group has sent his blessings from Canada. He congratulates SCCSH's tenth-anniversary celebration! Wishing SCCSH continued success and achieve even greater academic achievements.


Madam Du, the Executive Director, delivered the anniversary speech. She expressed that the past decade of SCCSH has been filled with challenges and achievements. The accomplishments in education stem from the dream of "internationalizing education" – allowing Chinese youth to see the world and the world to know China. SCCSH is committed to internationalizing Chinese education, integrating the characteristics and strengths of both Chinese and Western education, and pioneering a new era of education. The achievements also come from the steadfast belief in "progressive cultivation" – relying on nearly 30 years of profound experience and abundant resources from the AKD Group's Sino-foreign cooperative education, SCCSH explores the creation of a diverse integrated curriculum system centered around national curriculum, deeply cultivating integrated education from childcare, kindergarten, primary, middle, to high school. Looking ahead, Madam Du emphasized that SCCSH will continue to focus on running the school well, nurturing individuals, contributing to the internationalization of Hefei's development, and helping every member of SCCSH achieve their best selves.



A Cultural mixed Extravaganza: Ten years, we strive only for a better quality, Thousands Dreams Together, we move towards the Future


At the ceremony, the venue was filled with guests, with over a thousand teachers, students, and parents gathered to celebrate SCCSH's tenth anniversary.The school symphony orchestra, dance troupe, choir, and foreign teacher band took turns on stage, celebrating together.


We are grateful for your presence, and we will step forward to the future together. The ceremony meticulously designed multiple segments of "gratitude" and "blessings."


"Ten-Year Representatives of Teachers, Students, and Parents Speeches," "Founding Staff Awards," "Parent Appreciation": paying tribute to the teachers, students, and parents who have steadfastly supported SCCSH over the past decade.


"Ten-Year Anniversary Logo Design Award": expressing gratitude to the students who participated in designing the anniversary logo. "


Blessings from Partnering Units," "Corporate Blessings," and "Graduate Blessings": receiving anniversary blessings from public welfare partnering units such as the Gerbera Rescue Fund in Qinghai Province, Jinggang Mountains Ying shan hong Red Army Primary School, Spring Rains Children's Rehabilitation Center in Shushan District, Hefei, and some cooperative enterprises and outstanding graduates. "

十年树木 百年树人,合肥中嘉将向着下一个十年踔厉奋发。

Ten years to cultivate trees, a hundred years to cultivate people," SCCSH will forge ahead vigorously towards the next decade.
